Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Mornings

I'm seriously in love with these lazy days. I usually get to sleep in until Lucy's crawling all over me. Some days Elsie and Claira will climb into the big bed where we'll snuggle and share giggles until we finally make our way to the living room, to morning cartoons and a feast of mini bagels and cinnamon toast waffles. Elsie and Claira waste no time dragging out mini Lalaloopsy dolls who have taken up residence in a Ponyville house. Lucy will snuggle in the recliner with me until her curiousity gets the best of her, and she'll crawl off my lap to go spy on her sisters who usually groan at the sight of her on the floor, just feet away from their playspace. Still, Elsie will happily find a few toys large enough that they won't fit entirely into Lucy's mouth. It's usually not long before Elsie abandons the toys to cozy up on the couch with a few books. Lucy will make her rounds between the 3 of us, making Claira squeal in protest at her grabby hands, begging for waffle bites, snuggling with Elsie for storytime (or at least a couple of pages of it), and nursing for a few brief moments before she's on the go again. Eventually, the television is turned off and Claira joins Elsie "reading" on the couch. It's hilarious and so sweet to hear her sound out the words she makes up the way Elsie does the words on the page. "The___fishes___jumped___in___to___the___boat!" She makes a really good picture narrator.

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